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2024: Time to Fortify! ASIC Survey Reveals Cyber Security Gaps in SMEs

17/01/24 by Mr Shane Currie


This article analyses the survey data from the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) cyber pulse survey. In this article, I discuss the findings of this survey and how this can affect small to medium business and enterprises (SME) and how Shanes Computing and Networking can help.

Results of ASICs Cyber Pulse Survey

The results of the recent ASIC cyber pulse survey revealed that 44% of participants are not meeting supply chain and third-party risks, 58% of participants have limited or no capability to protect confidential information, 33% of participants do not have a cyber incident response plan and 20% of participants have not adopted a cyber security standard.

2023, a busy year for Cyber Crime

2023 was a busy year for cybercrime in Australia, the networks of Universities, International Ship Ports and Telecommunications and Medical providers were breached by cybercriminals and sensitive Australian private information was stolen and ransomed, one of our major ship ports was even shut down. Both large corporations and small to medium businesses enterprises (SME) are not immune to the risks of cybercrime..

The challenges with Australian SME building up cybercrime resilience.

ASIC advises that the major challenge for SME to build up cybercrime resilience is due to competing demands for limited human and financial resources. Simply put, there is not enough skilled Technicians in Australia specializing in Cyber Security, and those who are skilled are expensive.

The dangers cybercrime can pose to Australian SME

Cyber criminals are typically motivated by money and will always be on the lookout for the low hanging fruit. If a small business has not developed and implemented a cyber security plan and falls victim to cyber crime the results can be devastating to the business. Many small businesses do not financially recover after a cyber crime incident, and risk losing customer confidence and potential heavy fines from the Government if the business did not take all reasonable precautions to protect against cybercrime.

2024 new years resolution, build up your cyber defenses.

It is expected that 2024 will be a busy year for cyber crime and Australia will become a prime target. Cyber criminals know that Australian businesses and organizations have being struggling to build up their cyber defenses and they plan to exploit this. The barbarians and hordes are preparing their armies and are already scheming to breach your gate, its time to strengthen your gates and post some guards to keep watch and repel the attack.

How Shanes Computing and Networking can help.

Our lead Information Systems Technician, Shane Currie has the skills and experience to help your small to medium business or organization prepare against the hordes of cybercriminal barbarians already scheming to breach your gate.

Shanes Computing and Networking has taken in to account the current cost of living pressures in Australia and has set our rates to be affordable during this cost-of-living crisis.

If your business is one of the 33% that does not have a cyber incident response plan or one of the 20% that has not adopted a cyber security standard it is highly recommended for your business to immediately take notice and start preparing to safeguard your business against cyber-attack.


Last year, 2023 Australia was exploited by cyber criminals who saw Australia as a weak target. The likelihood that these attacks will continue in 2024 is high, putting Australia and her citizens at serious risk. ASIC has advised that the key challenges SME face in Australia in building up their cyber defenses is limited human and financial resources.

However, Shanes Computing and Networking has adapted our rates in line with the current Australian cost of living crisis and can provide affordable services with detailed cyber security audits with actionable insights for small to medium businesses in Australia, or at least the Hume and Riverina regions.

Give us a call today, and see how we can help you with your cyber security concerns.